

Increase your odds of victory over addiction

Intensive Outpatient Aftercare Programming with a Flexible Duration

Many have successfully completed an inpatient treatment program and returned to normal routine with minimal aftercare and soon find themselves in a relapse situation.

We have created a Post-treatment program to help people reconnect with their lives while receiving evidence-based outpatient support. 

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Post treatment clients will participate in:

  • Early Recovery Skills group
  • Relapse Prevention Skills group
  • Social Skills group
  • In house 12-step meeting
  • Mental Wellness skills group
  • Family Education group

The Post Treatment program is flexible and has the ability to evolve with you as you grow and find your groove in recovery. As you progress and require less intensive support, we can continue to support you in your recovery with Recovery Coaching.

Freedom from addiction is possible.

Contact us at 306-242-7023 for more details.